Raku is a very special ceramic technique, originally deriving from Korea
and Japan.
In the early days it was used in the manufacturing of the tea ceremonial
objects, but later on it has developed in to a free artistic burning technique.
A living obstinate inspiring technique that sometimes delivers splinter
and sometimes divine miracles.
The already one time fired goods is glazed by a low temperature glaze and
placed in a wood- or LPG-fired owen, preferably outside. When the goods
is redhot it's removed with a pair of tongs and placed in a fireproof container
filled with straw, sawdust or similar. If it's closed so that the oxygen
nullifyes, you will get a reduction and some unusual and beautiful effects
in the glazing will appear.
Carbon combined with potsherd brings out the beautiful crackles in the glaze
apearing due to the swift change from heat to cold. If you are satisfied
with the result, stop here. Would you like something different the object
could be reglazed and fired all over again.
All objects are unique and impossible to duplicate.
Because of the swift temperature changes in the fireing, the goods are more
fragile than other ceramics and are not waterproof. If a vase is used for
flowers should a glass container with the water be placed inside.